Unauthorized transections

Ahsan Nadeem
multiple online transactions were made without my knowledge. I didn't know until I opened the app and there was no money in it. Bank didn't send any OTP, no sms alert or email of these transactions.
never used this card on any online platform only use it to withdraw money from ATMs. maybe the ATM machines are bugged and stealing data.
I called meezan bank they blocked the card and said we will issue a new card🙄we don't want a card we need the amount back that's why I called the helpline instead of solving my problem and issuing me a new card.
they said we will look into this matter take will take 45 days.
They filed a complaint and gave the request number 262676
Arslan Sajid
Brother your card is used online at google services by someone who had your card details. You can report directly to google about this and inshALLAH you will get your money back "https://payments.google.com/payments/unauthorizedtransactions"