This is a Scam site


Meera Afzal

06 04 2024 05:17:32 PM 123

Thus site is a scam! They offer products that are expensive and imported. Ask for full payment upfront. And the send you a random cheap doll instead of the imported action figured that were advertised.
They don't receive msgs or calls after that and go radio silent.
There is no address. There is no landline. Nothing for us to go and contact them directly.

: cat

Users comments


Aqsa Tariq

30 06 2024 10:08:12 PM

these people have sent me the cheapest quality head phones for the price of 5600 rs. I ordered lol surprise head phones from website paid in advance and they sent me the 700 rs china head phones from daraz, shame on these guys for this pathetic service. I am going to report this website and flood the review section and face book page with negative comments so other can be saved from this fraudulent activity please don't buy anything from this website they are fraud.